Trans Arctic

Trans Arctic


Trans Arctic is a chemical tanker delivered as yard no. 369 from Herman Sürken to Seatrans in 1991


  • Deadweight: 6 927 t


DNV +1A1 Tanker for chemicals and oil E0 Ice-1A

Design: LMG
Name: Trans Arctic
Delivered: 1991
Length OA: 116.8
Beam: 17.5
Depth: 9.6
Scope of work: Initial & basic designa
Ship Type: Chemical tanker
Ship Owner: Seatrans
Shipyard: Herman Sürken
Speed: 15

Sister vessels

Trans Scandic

Trans Scandic

Type: Chemical tanker
Owner: Seatrans
Trans Scandic is a chemical tanker delivered as yard no. 371 from Herman Sürken to Seatrans in 1992.