Stability check for RESTAURATION

In 2025, “Restauration” will participate in the celebration of 200-years anniversary for the first organized emigration travel from Norway to America. This anniversary, known as Crossings 200, will be a national happening that honors the legacy after the first Norwegian emigrants and put focus on the remarkable historical and cultural bonds between Norway and America. “Restauration” will in this relation sail the historical route from Stavanger to New York and participate in a number of events as a part of the celebration.
The friends association for “Restauration” is now working to prepare the sailing vessel for the voyage to New York. The current “Restauration” was built in 2010 as a true replica of the original “Restauration” that sailed this voyage back in 1825.
LMG Marin has been given the assignment to carry out stability calculations and will deliver stability documentation as well as guidance for the use of sails. This will contribute to increased safety for crew and ship during their upcoming crossing of the Atlantic Ocean.
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